Some Stuff

Jul 11, 2014 1:41 AM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

ReignMaker ( for Windows is incompatible with WindowBlinds version 8.05 on Windows 7 64-bit. It will crash on start up unless excluded in WindowBlinds configuration.

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Icons keep changing on me...

Jun 25, 2011 1:16 AM by Discussion: Object Desktop

I have created an iconpackage. Painstakingly. Several times now in fact. I get it the way I want it, save it, ZIP it up and can install it and load it. All is well. Until I leave it alone for a bit. Then the icons just change on me for no apparent reason. Specifically the CONTROL PANEL icons are getting reset to the Windows default ones and several file types are getting messed up. I am at my wits end trying to figure out if this is user error or what. Can anyone shed any light on what I might be doing wrong or a way to stop this from happening? It is really quite maddening [e digicons]X([/e]

Iconpackager version is: 5.10

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

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Icons keep changing on me...

Jun 25, 2011 1:16 AM by Discussion: Object Desktop

I have created an iconpackage. Painstakingly. Several times now in fact. I get it the way I want it, save it, ZIP it up and can install it and load it. All is well. Until I leave it alone for a bit. Then the icons just change on me for no apparent reason. Specifically the CONTROL PANEL icons are getting reset to the Windows default ones and several file types are getting messed up. I am at my wits end trying to figure out if this is user error or what. Can anyone shed any light on what I might be doing wrong or a way to stop this from happening? It is really quite maddening [e digicons]X([/e]

Iconpackager version is: 5.10

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

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Bad Mojo my Friends

Jul 1, 2010 11:53 PM by Discussion: Object Desktop

I am wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar problem... I have the latest version of all the main Stardock Object Desktop software installed (Windowblinds, Iconpackager, Fences Pro, Deskscapes.) Periodically the desktop fonts go all haywire... for example they just DO NOT show up at all unless you select an icon. Even then they are often odd looking. The only way I ever seem to be able to fix the problem is by UNINSTALLING Deskscapes.


Happy Independence Day!

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Bad Mojo my Friends

Jul 1, 2010 11:53 PM by Discussion: Object Desktop

I am wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar problem... I have the latest version of all the main Stardock Object Desktop software installed (Windowblinds, Iconpackager, Fences Pro, Deskscapes.) Periodically the desktop fonts go all haywire... for example they just DO NOT show up at all unless you select an icon. Even then they are often odd looking. The only way I ever seem to be able to fix the problem is by UNINSTALLING Deskscapes.


Happy Independence Day!

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Or... What the heck?

Feb 18, 2010 2:42 AM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

So... Stardock, riddle me this! You're the leader in desktop customization. You're also a budding purveyor of online software publishing. Awesome! So, why is it that your software for purchasing and managing downloadable software (Impulse) is 100% unskinnable? In fact, it is so anti-skinnable it doesn't even look like the operating system it runs on when that operating system isn't skinned. Just strikes me as strange, and I finally got around to asking why. [e digicons]:maybe:[/e]

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Jan 28, 2010 9:43 PM by Discussion: Sneak Previews

This is a windowblind I am working on... Comments, suggestions, ideas? This is my first blind, it will be for Windows 7 only. Am going for a very clean, easy to use blind with a fully transparent task bar application area so the icons "float" on the desktop.

Concept Image

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Mar 17, 2009 6:17 PM by Discussion: Skinning

Hello all!

I'm having trouble and I hope someone can steer me in the right direction. I am working on a skin using the latest version of Skinstudio Professional.  I use GIMP to create my graphic files. Unfortunately it appears I am doing something wrong, as whenever I use GIMP to create a TGA file, skinstudio sees it as BLANK. The file opens and looks right in GIMP, but loading it into Skinstudio gives nothing. BMP works OK, but... eh, I want the features TGA can provide. Any ideas?


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Dec 7, 2008 3:32 AM by Discussion: GUI Championships

I've been following the submissions with a lot of interest and have been using many of the blinds. I run VISTA, and I was extremely pleased to see a wide variety of high quality Vista blinds, something I've been unhappy with since switching from XP early 2008. After having run all of the submissions through their paces, here's my personal, totally unofficial votes for which skins should make the final 10 windowblinds. (n.b. I ran a user interface design and user testing group for several years in the Enterprise Software industry though I am not a professional artist or designer but an engineer by training)

Aqueous - This skin is wonderfully easy to recolor... a definite plus and is simple and easy to use. Black and blue may not be the most original color scheme, but the in your face aqua attracts attention. I don't normally like too much transparency, but it is used to good effect here.

BBK - Another dark theme, but with an industrial metallic feel that works nicely. Wonderful technical polish, my only significant complaints are that the window buttons are on the small side and the shadowed fonts detract from readability.

Cappuccino - Stunning color choices and semi-Greek inspired decorations make this an attractive, easy on the eyes windowblind. The task bar "banding" is quite unfortunate and the window controls are on the small side. Also a few non-skinned bits were jarring. Potential greatness here with a bit more spit and polish.

Cellinium - How can you complain about 6 skins in one? A technical tour de force with some really original window decoration touches. Great task bar. Not as good start menu and some legibility issues in title bars detract from an otherwise extremely good entry. Cellinium Pro was my favorite.

FLASH - Live System - Over the top crazy, colorful, transparent. Shines best when used with the accompanying Icon Pack. Some of the color choices are jarring, and I wouldn't run it day to day, but as a once in a while diversion, this is good stuff.

FREEAREA - Minus a couple of technical problems and a horribly annoying top alignment of the tray icons, this is a wonderful minimalist skin.

Lotus - This is a great light colored blind. A few unskinned bits and technical errors detract a lot, but what works, really works.

Plastic Fantastic - I'd never use this day to day, as it isn't my thing to have a bright primary color interface, but it is executed flawlessly. Easy to identify controls, wonderful rich feel to the plastic parts, and great attention to detail. A serious contender for best Windowblind. The best "kid's PC blind" I've ever seen.

Psycho II - The 3D look to the windows and interface parts is really well pulled off without detracting from usability. Asymetric window control button sizes work well. My only substantive complaints are the odd looking scroll control and the questionable choice of cyan as a control highlight color. Another contender for best overall.

Razor X - I love and hate this windowblind. The Start menu is just so bad, and the rest just so good. The silver plate look of the overlays is really well done, but there are some minor technical issues with the scrollers appearing off center and other things that just detract. Slips to just short of greatness but with a new start menu might be the best matte black windowblind I've seen.


What does everyone else think before the "official" finalists are unveiled?





6 Replies Reply 26 Referrals

Dec 7, 2008 3:32 AM by Discussion: GUI Championships

I've been following the submissions with a lot of interest and have been using many of the blinds. I run VISTA, and I was extremely pleased to see a wide variety of high quality Vista blinds, something I've been unhappy with since switching from XP early 2008. After having run all of the submissions through their paces, here's my personal, totally unofficial votes for which skins should make the final 10 windowblinds. (n.b. I ran a user interface design and user testing group for several years in the Enterprise Software industry though I am not a professional artist or designer but an engineer by training)

Aqueous - This skin is wonderfully easy to recolor... a definite plus and is simple and easy to use. Black and blue may not be the most original color scheme, but the in your face aqua attracts attention. I don't normally like too much transparency, but it is used to good effect here.

BBK - Another dark theme, but with an industrial metallic feel that works nicely. Wonderful technical polish, my only significant complaints are that the window buttons are on the small side and the shadowed fonts detract from readability.

Cappuccino - Stunning color choices and semi-Greek inspired decorations make this an attractive, easy on the eyes windowblind. The task bar "banding" is quite unfortunate and the window controls are on the small side. Also a few non-skinned bits were jarring. Potential greatness here with a bit more spit and polish.

Cellinium - How can you complain about 6 skins in one? A technical tour de force with some really original window decoration touches. Great task bar. Not as good start menu and some legibility issues in title bars detract from an otherwise extremely good entry. Cellinium Pro was my favorite.

FLASH - Live System - Over the top crazy, colorful, transparent. Shines best when used with the accompanying Icon Pack. Some of the color choices are jarring, and I wouldn't run it day to day, but as a once in a while diversion, this is good stuff.

FREEAREA - Minus a couple of technical problems and a horribly annoying top alignment of the tray icons, this is a wonderful minimalist skin.

Lotus - This is a great light colored blind. A few unskinned bits and technical errors detract a lot, but what works, really works.

Plastic Fantastic - I'd never use this day to day, as it isn't my thing to have a bright primary color interface, but it is executed flawlessly. Easy to identify controls, wonderful rich feel to the plastic parts, and great attention to detail. A serious contender for best Windowblind. The best "kid's PC blind" I've ever seen.

Psycho II - The 3D look to the windows and interface parts is really well pulled off without detracting from usability. Asymetric window control button sizes work well. My only substantive complaints are the odd looking scroll control and the questionable choice of cyan as a control highlight color. Another contender for best overall.

Razor X - I love and hate this windowblind. The Start menu is just so bad, and the rest just so good. The silver plate look of the overlays is really well done, but there are some minor technical issues with the scrollers appearing off center and other things that just detract. Slips to just short of greatness but with a new start menu might be the best matte black windowblind I've seen.


What does everyone else think before the "official" finalists are unveiled?





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